NGO Calls

Congress on Risks for Public Health & the Environment May 16th-18th 2012 Madrid

This conference may form a tipping point to necessary transitions in risk assessment and management in these domains. The conference is organized by ENSSER, EEA and FUNDACIÓN VIVO SANO-HDO and will be held from the 16th to 18th of May in Madrid. The International EMF Alliance will contribute to the programme with an overview of the European EMF-Health system.
Main context of the conference is that current methods and institutions for assessing environmental-health risks are not able to cope with complexities and uncertainties. Also scientific concepts and paradigms are requested that are independent from the interests and influence of the promoters of technologies. In line, it is recommended not to restrict risk assessment to closed networks of narrow elites, but to open up assessment and management of risks to wider groups of stakeholders. Also a plead is made to bring together the different types of knowledge existing in different networks.

The Goals of the Conference are as follows:

1) Increase public and political awareness of social, economic and environmental risks of current and new technologies and discuss effective means for e.g. technology and risk assessments, product approvals, and liability schemes.

2) Provide a forum for open public debate where experts from different fields can address the following questions and issues:- What are the public health and environment risks of technologies such as modern biotechnology, nanotechnology, electromagnetic fields, and novel chemicals?
– What are the private and societal needs that are addressed by these technologies?
– Which are the current policies and procedures for shaping and assessing these technologies?
– Which are the main barriers to avoiding or minimizing risks and how can they be overcome?
– How can the precautionary principle be best applied?
– Why is there a lack of comprehensive and strong policies and institutions that could better support public interests?
– How can the marginalization of independent research, neglect of its results, and the undue influence of vested interests that inhibit change for the public good be overcome?

3) Create an Action Plan with concrete and realistic activities to support the changes needed, including changes in scientific paradigms and practices.and in the control of technological choices.

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IEMFAs Presentation

International Association of Firefighters (IAFF)

Call for Moratorium on New Cell Towers on Fire Stations Until Health Effects Can Be Studied.
Susan Foster invites all firefighters with health concerns to email her at

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Not allowing a 4th mobile network operator in Belgium

The petition “Less electrosmog!” concerns the urgent need for the stricter application of the PRECAUTIONARY PRINCIPLE relating to the health consequences of ELECTROSMOG and in particular of PULSED MICROWAVE RADIATION from: Mobile phone masts (2G, 3G/UMTS, 4G)Wireless internet/telephones/baby intercoms/…(WiFi/WLAN, WiMax, DECT), etc.

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Electromagnetic Pollution Manifesto Health Defense Organisation

Madrid, June 22, 2011. – To mark the International Day Against Electromagnetic Pollution, held on Friday June 24, social groups demand signatories of this manifesto to the central, regional and local authorities, and politicians in general, urgent and concrete measures to protect the health of citizens against the growing electromagnetic pollution around us.

Hence, we demand the application of the precautionary principle and the immediate establishment as a statutory maximum of 100 nT (nanoteslas) for low frequency radiation and 100 μW/m2 (microwatts per square meter) for high frequency, based on the European Commission Communication of 2 February 2000, which states that “the precautionary principle may be invoked when it is urgent to intervene before a potential hazard to human health (…). Is particularly true in cases of danger to public health. Because it is possible, for example, prevent the distribution of products that may pose a health hazard or even proceed with its withdrawal from the market.”

And we clarified that while the current independent investigation placed the safety margins in the said limits, it is possible that future research proves the need to further restrict these limits. This claim is made, then, until you establish with certainty what level of electromagnetic radiation is safe and/or admissible.

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Protect Your Health from Electromagnetic Radiation – The BioInitiative Working Group

Protect Yourself from Electromagnetic Radiation (EMR) hazards by supporting the BioInitiative Report recommendations on EMR exposure limits. The EMR Policy Institute is putting forward this petition to endorse the recommendations of The BioInitiative Working Group Report. We are seeking support from other organizations whose missions call for responsible public health policy for children, for workers and for the general public both where they work and where they reside. We are also seeking the endorsement of individuals to call for tougher EMR safety policy globally as spelled out in the report: BioInitiative Report: A Rationale for a Biologically-based Public Exposure Standard for Electromagnetic Fields (ELF and RF). Following the Petition language is the statement of support for The BioInitiative Report that was issued on September 17, 2007, by the European Environmental Agency (EEA). It summarizes the importance of the BioInitiative Report and the EMR safety actions it recommends.

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